Key performance indicator - measures that are tied to business drivers
Metrics - detailed measures that feed KPIs
Performance metrics - fall into the nebulous area of business intelligence that is neither technology, nor business centered, but requires input from both IT and business professionals
Efficiency IT metric - measure the performance of the IT system itself including throughout speed and availability
Effectiveness IT metric - measures the impact IT has on business processes and activities including customers satisfaction conversion rates and self-through increases
Regardless or what is measured, how it is measured and whether it is for the sake of efficiency or effectiveness, there must be
Benchmarks – baseline values the system seek to attain
Benchmarking – a process of continuously measuring system results, comparing those results to optimal system performance and identifying to improve system performance
E-government efficiency metrics
• the number of computers per 100 citizens
• the number of Internet hosts per 10,000 citizens
• the percentage of the citizen population online
E-government effectiveness metrics
CRM practices, customer-service vision, approaches to offering e-government services through multiple-service delivery channels, and
initiatives for identifying services for individual citizen segments.
Efficiency IT metrics focus on technology and include:
Throughput – amount of information that can travel
through a system at any point in time
Speed – amount of time to perform a transaction
Availability – number of hours a system is available
Accuracy – extent to which a system generates correct
Web traffic – includes number of pageviews, number of
unique visitors, and time spent on a Web page
Response time – time to respond to user interactions
Effectiveness IT metrics focus on an organization’s goals, strategies, & objectives
nUsability – the ease with which people perform
transactions and/or find information
nCustomer satisfaction –
such as the percentage of existing customers retained
nConversion rates – number of customers an organization
“touches” for the first time and convinces to purchase products or services
nFinancial – such as return on investment, cost-benefit
analysis, etc.
The interrelationships between efficiency and effectiveness
nSecurity is an issue for any organization
offering products or services over the Internet
nIt is inefficient for an organization to
implement Internet security, since it slows down processing time. However, to be effective it must implement
Internet security
nSecure Internet connections must offer encryption and Secure
Sockets Layers (SSL denoted by the lock symbol in the lower right corner of a
Determining IT Efficiency and Effectiveness
Customer metrics – assess the management of customer relationships by the organization and include:
nMarket share
nCustomer acquisition
nCustomer satisfaction
nCustomer profitability
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